Rocco Moisesone wants to use the services of Don Vito Cockleone, “The Goodfucker”, the day of his daughter’s wedding because he’s starving for revenge. His daughter has been dishonored by the man who’s just got married to Don Vito Cockleone’s daughter and he can’t wait any longer to take the law into his own hands. His proposal is clear: deflowering himself Don Vito Cockleone’s daughter before her husband can during their honeymoon. He allows him to do so because it is no shame for the family to give in his daughter’s virginity to the biggest cock among his relatives. The rule “an eye for an eye, a pussy for a pussy” gets entirely fulfilled this way but Don Vito Cockleone ends up killing Rocco Moisesone because he doesn’t allow anybody to have a bigger cock than his.
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The Goodfucker
December 23, 2014 Posted in Pornstar Galleries
Tags: Actrizes Porno, Atrizes Porno, Cumloader, Espana, Estrellas do Porno, Porn Stars, Spanien, Spanish Pornstars
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